Design thinking

Design Thinking Training and projects

Design thinking for a human-centered corporate culture
About the offer

Design thinking is an innovation approach that focuses on people’s needs. The value of human centricity in developing novel solutions for customers is well known. But what about the needs of employees in your company?

When we recognize the importance of people and their wellbeing for the company’s success, ask them about their needs and ideas for improving the corporate culture and involve them in the development of solutions, we show the employees not only trust but also recognition. Employees are encouraged to contribute their need and solutions knowledge and to actively co-create the corporate culture.

Employees gain methodological knowledge through action learning, network across functions and departments, and experience appreciation.

Participants experience the three core aspects of design thinking – diverse teams, flexible workspaces (online or face-to-face) that promote team collaboration, and an iterative process.

Key takeaways
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